living today in light of that day

living today in light of that day

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Motivation for Living

When we're only scraping by, we work for shelter, heat, and a good cheesesteak. But if we're a multimillionaire, we work for pleasure. With all financial needs resolved, work isn't something we have to do, but something we get to do.
It's the same with our ambitions. As the great theologian B.B. Warfield said, "The one antithesis of all the ages is that between the rival fromulae: Do this and live, and Live and do this; Do and be saved, and be saved and do." In Christ we live - therefore we do, and do gladly. . . .
Much as I'd like to, I'll probably never shoot close to par in my life again. More importantly, there are many other things I want to do and should do that will never get done. And there are things I'll do that I may regret. But I don't struggle with fear or guilt over that, and I certainly know better than to try to atone for my failure - on the golf course or anywhere else.
My confidence is in the completed round of another - the Perfect Man, Jesus Christ, my Savior. Like J. Gresham Machen, I know my hope is in his perfect obedience, both for this life of spotty performance and the next life of eternal glory (emphasis added).
-Dave Harvey, Rescuing Ambition, pages 60-61

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