living today in light of that day

living today in light of that day

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ambition Restored

Earlier this summer I bought a copy of Dave Harvey's book called Rescuing Ambition. I've only read the first two chapters. But I think it has served me in a unique way, by just bringing up the topic.
God has used the book to restore ambition in me. It's been really interesting. All of a "sudden" (the past month) God keeps bringing up old ambitions that ring true in my heart, desires that I thought had died away a while ago. And my new favorite question to ask my friends, whether one-on-one or in a small group, is "what are some hopes, dreams, desires, and ambitions that you have?" These conversations have been so wonderful! You should try it out. When held in the right perspective, it's incredibly faith building to allow your anticipation to grow for God glorifying ambitions. And I especially enjoy the window it gives into my friends' lives and hearts.

I do not think of myself as an ambitious person. Thoughtful maybe. Cautious, yes. Ambitious? ehh, not so much. That would better describe someone like my brother, or my pastors, or my entrepreneurial and creative friends, or even my big-picture parents who are always up for a new project. But not me. At least that's how I was allowing myself to think, without even realizing that's how I was thinking. But God's been proving me wrong, by reminding me of several interests and desires that I had thought were snuffed out for whatever reasons. And here's the kicker, He's the one who has brought them back into my view. And by doing that so clearly, He's given me anticipation for how He may someday choose to draw them out. My joy is not dependent on seeing any of these blossom or come to full bloom - it is only in God and his relationship to me because of the cross. And because I am secure in his hold of me in the gospel, I am free to have a curiosity and anticipation for what he may bring about without allowing those very things to replace him and become idols in my life. Sweet!
God has used this to help me fight the ho-hum view that my existence in this life is second-rate and the only thing I have to look forward to is heaven (a bit dramatic, but sometimes that is the reality of how I live). This is not true. I have so much to anticipate in meeting my Savior face to face and living in the place he has prepared for me with the fellowship of the Body, free from the struggle of sin and free from suffering - but I also am able to get to know him in the here and now, experience his presence, see him work, and grow in love for him right NOW. He has given me his Word; He has given me his Spirit; He has placed me in his Church; He has given me all I need for life and godliness (verse).

This reminds me of a quote from Paul Tripp that I used on my first post in this blog:
But the Bible never presents our life on earth as a meaningless time of waiting for the good stuff that comes later. The biblical model of waiting is not simply about what you will get at the end of your wait, but about who you will become as you wait. God has promised you real, abundant life in the here and now. We have a Father. We have a home. We are rich. We struggle a great deal, but we can expect much as well.
So, what are some of your ambitions? Have you given that any thought lately? Have you asked anybody else what their ambitions are? I hope that God may use these thoughts to build your faith like he has mine.

photo: Linda and me; early 2008

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