living today in light of that day

living today in light of that day

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fight for Joy

John Piper in When I Don't Desire God (page 44):

The essence of the Christian life is learning to fight for joy in a way that does not replace grace. We must be able to say at the end of our lives, "I have fought the good fight." But we must also say, "It was not I, but the grace of God that is with me." I have pursued Christ as my joy with all my might. But it was a might that he mightily imparted. We must fight for joy in such a way that we prove Jesus true when he said, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:30). We will succeed in this battle when we can say with Paul in Colossians 1:29 that we are "struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." We struggle to bear the burden and carry the yoke. But he gives the power. All burdens are light to him. All yokes are easy to him. This too is something glorious to see in him. This too makes us glad in him. Trust him for this. Our joy in him will be the greater because we see him as the one who gives both the joy and the strength to fight for it. (emphasis added)


  1. Great quote, Sarah. I loved this volume as well as Piper's Future Grace. Both are wonderful exhortations that will stir a soul out of apathy.


  2. Yes, I have enjoyed this book so far. I have copies of both those books, but only read a little of When I Don't Desire God a while ago. Thank Brad (Hess?)
