living today in light of that day

living today in light of that day

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Making the best use of the time

"making the best use of the time . . . be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:16-20
"Making the best use of the time," - what does this look like? Where should my thoughts and energies go right now, today? I believe it looks like getting to know God and delighting in him. "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever" (Westminster Catechism). Guess what? Today is part of forever, and I can do that right now because "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence" 2 Peter 1:3.

As I think of my future, whether the next few years, months, or even the next day, I can allow anxiousness, discontentment, purposelessness, boredom, weariness, loneliness, or hopelessness to cloud my view. I think it has something to do with focusing on my circumstances and own efforts and leaving God out of the equation. But Matthew 6:31-33 has something to say to me: "Therefore do not be anxious . . . [why not?] your heavenly Father knows . . . seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness."

Look up to God and off of myself. Look back at what He's done in my life, others lives, and at the cross. Position my mind and heart where I will be compelled to worship God, in the word, in fellowship, in service, and even in song.
This phrase, "making the best," means to "buy up, rescue from loss, or improve" the use of time. It is a metaphor taken from the merchants and traders of the ancient Near East, who aggressively pursued the best deals when they would buy, sell, or trade" (p. 19 in Shopping for Time by Carolyn Mahaney and daughters).
When I returned home from work today, I knew there was only about an hour of good daylight left. It was a beautiful day, reaching a high of 64 degrees! This is a rare treat in February, that cannot be tucked away and used later. In fact, the temperature is forecasted to fall more than 20 degrees from Friday to Saturday. So how do I "make the best" of that hour? I ask my sister to go on a walk with me, because just being outdoors is precious time I don't want to lose. And I am doubly blessed by the sun and conversational presence of my sister.

And what do I want to buy up in this short "hour" of my current season of life? Maybe wash the dishes for my mom or bake a batch of cookies for Margaret to take to school, because I am here in my family's home and enjoy swapping an office for a kitchen. And while I'm at it, I can improve my kitchen time by calling a friend to hear more details on her marriage proposal this weekend and celebrate with her before the passing of a week has opportunity to dampen any of the fresh memories. And I can think in the evening of how I want to meditate on the truth found in God's word before I start my day tomorrow, so I actually anticipate rising early and not count it a loss to say goodbye to my evening as I lay down my head.

And if any of these efforts spring from a joyful and thankful heart in God, it is all of grace. It's all because of Jesus that I can have life, and have it abundantly. Looking to my Savior, learning more of his majesty and greatness, stepping into obedience with faith, crying in desperate acknowledgment that I need him and am lost without him - this is the beauty of grace.

I want to rest at the side of my Savior, and be enamored so much by his strength and beauty that all else fades in comparison.

photo: 2/17/11

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