living today in light of that day

living today in light of that day

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"I think you're stupid" - "Fulfill your ministry"

This is great. :) (RSS users may need to go to my blog to view the video)
And it's a good point - to fulfill your ministry.

My ministry may change from season to season. I've been having more and more joy in doing just whatever God has called me to in the moment. God uniquely positions and gifts his people. I can be content in my calling, with the ministry he has me in, because I'm secure in my identity with Christ. My roles, "ministries," and "callings" can change - I don't find my ultimate identity in them. But while I'm in them, I want to dive into the opportunities they provide and be delighted by the goodness and kindness God shows me in the particulars. Enjoy those good gifts from God - He's your Father and likes to see you accept them and be happy with them for what they are, expressions of his goodness.
So, in my work: whether I interact with our CPAs over our financial review or spontaneously make peanut butter popcorn and coffee for the pastors during an all day budget meeting, I can have great joy in doing all through the grace and strength God provides to me in my particular circumstances, responsibilities, and callings.


  1. Yeah!!!! So glad you are finding joy in the little things God has for you each day. Work is such a joy when we see God behind all we do. Love you--Mom

  2. Thank you Mom. :) God is faithful and kind.
    And I'm so glad he's given me a mom like you. I am richly blessed!
    When I hum or sing to myself during the day (or even overhear Teresa or Angela doing so), I've been thinking of you recently, and how you directed your heart and thoughts when we were young through song (and even now). Thanks for pointing me to "calm and quiet my soul" through your example, and through giving me scripture and your own words. Those things stick with me, and I've even been able to pass on Psalm 131 to two of my friends in one week - a Psalm that you've pointed me to time and again.
    I have an abundantly kind God to give me a mother like you. :) Thanks for praying for me and trusting me to God. I have so much reason to rejoice - I always will because of who my God is and what Christ has done.
    And I just love all the lovely things he's given us in this autumn season to enjoy: sights, smells, activities....ahh, so beautiful!
