living today in light of that day

living today in light of that day

Friday, May 3, 2013

actual, real, lasting substance

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. - 1 Cor. 15:58

Bryan Chapell (Holiness by Grace):
This side of heaven we will not see how most of our small acts of kindness, or even our great acts of courage that are unnoticed or misunderstood, fit into God’s eternal plan. But we walk and act in... the faith that such actions are eternal, because God promises this is so.…
Knowing the eternal implications of our actions enables us more and more to live for heaven’s effects rather than for earth’s approval.
A gentle touch offered to a crying child on the street, an angry word withheld, the willingness to lose a business deal for integrity’s sake, uncomplaining participation in the dreary routine of dishes and diapers, a smile offered to a harried clerk who has rung up the wrong bill – each unnoticed act of righteousness remains eternal and, as a result, is worthy of our efforts.
The Christian walks through the world with a hidden smile, knowing that by God’s grace each act of love and sacrifice is eternal though the world cannot see it. As we see our world through the eyes of Scripture we know that each day and every moment is lived for eternity and, thus, that no righteous act is fruitless and no sacrifice is vain. 

So good! There is actual, real, lasting substance behind that "hidden smile" experience of depending on the Lord & walking in the good works he has prepared for each day, even in the dreary unnoticed ones. This motivates me to keep looking up to Christ and pressing on with both contentment and anticipation. Sweetness here.

Thank you, dear Father, for how you continue to fill out more of the picture of what is meant by the here and now. Thank you for showing me more of the answer to why you delay our entrance into heaven, that there is actual purpose for life on earth now - the greatest of which is to get started on our quest of knowing and loving you even before we get to do so for eternity in heaven. Eternity starts now. This time does count. Love you, Lord. You are good.


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