That sentence was the first I jotted down from Purswell, but I kept going after that, and here is the rest:
Waiting for the Lord is confident expectation of God's action on our behalf. How I respond when I have to wait tells me everything about what I'm living for in that moment. And when I wait for the Lord, submitting to his will, trusting in his timing, resting in his faithfulness, I'm saying in that moment, Lord, you really are enough. "Whom have I in heaven but you, and there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you." ... "They who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength." Waiting on the Lord is not simply for trials . . . it's the Christian life. Every day investing all our hope in him, every day submitting to his wisdom, every day trusting in his timing, every day on our tip toes watching, looking, expecting for him to act for us in his mercy. That's what we signed up for.
How do we know he will act for us out of his mercy? Because he already has. The cross is God's guarantee that He will provide you all the grace you need for your biggest trial and all the sustaining grace you need for your most mundane moments (Romans 8:32).
photo: Cinque Terre, Italy 2007